We gratefully accept donations to help maintain Government House gardens and purchase always needed plants, fertilizer, and tools. Your donations also contribute to other recurring expenses such as planting trees, renewing or creating paths, and irrigation services.
The Friends – Keeping Government House Gardens Beautiful
Since 1992
Thank you for your generosity – your help enables the Friends to keep the gardens a treasured natural site for all residents – now and for future generations.
Volunteer floral designer Lorian R. and the magnificent floral memorial spray for Alison Leamy.
How To Donate
Use the form below to donate either by cheque or e-Transfer. Cheques should be made out to The Friends of Government House Gardens Society.
A donation of $100 or more is eligible for a tax receipt. If you wish a receipt, do not use the form below. Rather, make the cheque out to The Government House Foundation with a note that the donation is for The Friends.
Please mail all cheques to:
The Friends of Government House Gardens Society
1401 Rockland Avenue
Victoria. B.C., V8S 1V9