I. The name of the Society is The Friends of Government House Gardens Society. (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”)
II. The Society is dedicated to:
- Preserving, improving and enhancing the beauty of the grounds and gardens of Government House.
- Promoting public awareness and encouraging the active participation of the people of British Columbia in the continuing public use, enjoyment, development and maintenance of the Gardens, in cooperation with the Lieutenant Governor and the Province of British Columbia.
- Providing interested persons and organizations with opportunities to share in the development of the Gardens and in the benefits which they may offer.
- Publicizing the Gardens’ activities, their needs and their offerings.
- Bringing to the assistance of the Gardens, on a voluntary basis, the talents and abilities of the public at large.
- Undertaking such other activities which, from time to time, may be deemed appropriate.
Download the bylaws here:
The Friends of Government House Gardens Society Bylaws
Thank You Volunteers!

The Friends Board is grateful for your hard work, commitment to our goals, and the valuable contribution of your time, energy, and talents – whether you volunteer in the gardens, or in non-gardening activities.
Our nearly 300 active volunteers make a difference by creating a colorful blend of scent and sight that offers visitors of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds a tranquil setting to engage all the senses and provides a welcoming urban oasis.
The Friends have now celebrated 30 years of ensuring that Government House gardens and grounds remains a treasured place for British Columbia’s residents and visitors. The Friends could not have kept the Lieutenant Governor’s estate at its consistent level of excellence, worthy of a national historic site designation, without your help.